Serial Animasi The Simpsons Dikabarkan Sudah Memprediksi Kematian George Floyd, Simak Faktanya

- 5 Juni 2020, 09:11 WIB
Tangkapan layar dari postingan yang disebut-sebut sebagai salah satu tayangan the simpsons.
Tangkapan layar dari postingan yang disebut-sebut sebagai salah satu tayangan the simpsons. /

“Normally you’re used to see colorful and cheerful drawings from me, but since i’ve got quite a good audience, i’d like to use it as much as i can in the right way when the situation requires it, and bring something good, and useful with my drawings, and you guys know it. Especially in this exact moment. With this piece i’d like you to think deeply, Taking the chance to bring The Simpsons as an example for the cause. The Simpsons has always been everyone’s childhood, so the message will be clear and strong enough i suppose. Imagine you’re sat with you daughter/son watching the Simpsons, and all of a sudden this scene happens in the show, as cruel as it has been, no jokes, no irony, nothing that the Simpsons normally has, and what it’s loved for. Imagine that, how would you feel? ... Think about that deeply, and give yourself an answer, no need to add anything else!”

Baca Juga: Militer Tiongkok dan India Diambang Perang, Rusia Akhirnya Buka Suara Ungkap Kekhawatiran

Dari kesimpulan tulisan diatas, Yuri Pomo menyampaiakan sebuah alasan dia membuat karikatur adegan dalam film The Simpsons sebagai luapan emosinya menanggapi peristiwa kematian George Floyd.

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Dengan demikian informasi yang beredar luas terkait potongan gambar serial animasi The Simpsons yang seolah-olah sudah memprediksi kematian George Floyd itu keliru.

Sebab foto itu hasil karya Yuri Pomo yang di unggah pada 30 Mei 2020 sebagai bentuk luapan emosi.***


Editor: Gugum Rachmat Gumilar

Sumber: Instagram @bpptkg Kominfo


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