Bintang Film Dewasa Ron Jeremy Didakwa 90 Tahun Penjara Seumur Hidup

- 24 Juni 2020, 12:05 WIB
Ron Jeremy terancam hukuman 90 tahun penjara atau seumur hidup jika semua tuduhan itu terbukti benar
Ron Jeremy terancam hukuman 90 tahun penjara atau seumur hidup jika semua tuduhan itu terbukti benar /Reuters

Jeremy hadir dalam pengadilan pertamanya di Pengadilan Tinggi Los Angeles pada Selasa, 23 Juni 2020 kemarin dan tak melakukan pembelaan.

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Ia akan ditahan dengan $ 6,6 juta uang jaminan dan akan mendapatkan dakwaan resmi pada Kamis, 25 Juni 2020 besok.

Jika terbukti bersalah, Jeremy akan dihadapi kemungkinan hukuman maksimal 90 tahun penjara seumur hidup.

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Sementara itu, sang manajer Dante Rusciolelli berhadap Jeremy tak mendapatkan tuntutan atas kasus yang mengarah kepadanya.

"Kami berharap tuduhan ini terhadapnya tidak benar, tetapi jika itu benar, kami berharap dia dituntut secara penuh oleh hukum," kata Rusciolelli dalam unggahan Instagram pribadinya.

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My name is Dante Rusciolelli and I own Golden Artists Entertainment. We are announcing today that we are dropping Ron Jeremy as a client. When Rolling Stone charged Ron with being in the ME TOO movement he showed us proof against the allegations. At the time, the police and District Attorneys backed Ron up. He had never spent a day in court or in jail. Rolling Stone was given proof of his innocence and still printed the story anyway. However, today the District Attorney in Los Angeles is bringing charges of sexual misconduct against him, and we were not given any proof of his innocence at this time. We hope that these allegations against him are not true, but if they are, we hope that he is prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

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Editor: Tyas Siti Gantina



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